Send documents for e-signing from Act! with MyDocSafe
MyDocSafe is a document security and e-sign software-as-a-service platform for smaller businesses. Perfect for regulated organizations concerned to collaborate securely with their clients and deliver enterprise class service when pitching, onboarding and sharing documents.
How does it work with Act! ?
MyDocSafe integrates with Act! Premium Desktop. It enables Act! users to easily send documents for e-signature to new and existing contacts straight from Act!. And with a few mouse clicks, documents like terms of engagement and contracts can be shared for review and acceptance via banking grade encryption. Because Act! Premium Desktop is available as a 32bit or 64bit product there are two versions of the integration software.
What are the costs ?
There are three price plans for MyDocSafe, starting from £16 per month. Which one is right for you will depend on how many MyDocSafe users you will have and how heavily you expect to use the MyDocSafe platform. Use of the integration software is free for a MyDocSafe subscription user. Like Act!, MyDocSafe renewals are automatic. Unless you cancel your MyDocSafe subscription through the MyDocSafe web site, your use of MyDocSafe will continue uninterrupted.